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Services to Athletics – Winner: Bill O’Connor

Last week, London hosted the second England Athletics Regional Volunteer Awards at the London City Runners - a brewery, bar, cafe and running clubhouse, and the night brought together volunteers from across the region.

Our very own Bill O'Connor was up for an award, and deservedly, he won!

Not only an Ever Present at the London Marathon but also an Ever Present at Queens Park Harriers since the 1980s. Bill O’Connor’s volunteering roles have covered everything from Cross Country Captain, Treasurer, to QPH Middlesex Representative. He carried the Olympic torch in 2012 and is now president of Middlesex County AA and the Chiltern League Cross Country.

As the grandfather of the club, his encouragement to all members is inspiring and humbling. He includes himself in his belief that everyone should have a go and is himself a determined Master athlete.

Bill has guided and encouraged members over the years, keeping the club alive through tough times and enabling it to grow.

We all had a word to say about Bill:

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