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Summer League

Every year, between June and August, Queen's Park Harriers join 8 like-minded community based running clubs based throughout London, for a series of 5 mile and 10 kilometre senior races, junior races and relays.


Runners score points both individually and for their clubs, with bonus points based on your age.  We could try explaining the scoring, but it wouldn't make sense - and it doesn't really matter - anyone can score points, regardless of ability, and everyone is welcomed and celebrated.

The mixed relays are a massive highlight, where the younger and older runners have the opportunity to score bonus points for their clubs, resulting in amazing teams where 8 year olds run alongside and against 70 year olds.


Think parkrun, crossed with a summer fete, but with medals, a shield, local pride at stake, and cake - lots of cake.


For detailed information and previous year's results, you can go to the official website at

The Races


Races are held on Sunday mornings, over the summer months.


Each meet consists of 4 races:

  • Seniors Race - either 5 miles or 10km

  • Juniors Race - approximately 1 mile (6 to 14 year old)

  • Under 6 fun run - approximately 400m

  • Relays - 4 * 400m relays:​​

    • Men​

    • Women

    • Mixed

The Venues


Clubs host races close to their homes, running predominantly within the confines of parks, but with some road running. 


All the venues are easy to get to:

  • Headstone Manor, Harrow

  • Perivale

  • Dulwich Park

  • Battersea Park

  • Regent's Park


Getting Involved


Races are free to all club members, both Seniors and Juniors, and all that's involved is for you to turn up on the day wearing your club vest and running shoes.


You can find full details on all the races, the venues and the dates of the fixtures on both:


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