What could be better than running your local Parkrun on an unseasonably sunny and warm September morning? Running it in your club colours! Even better - do it in the name of competition and arrange a friendly grudge match with the nicest running club outside of Queen's Park - Sudbury Court...

A fantastic turnout, for a strong run round a much loved course was in order, and the club runners didn't disappoint, with some of the highlights being:
Gus taking the age grade top spot with 79.64% in a PB time of 21:22.
Sam bagging 2nd place overall AND 2nd place in age grading, despite being over a minute off his best and in the middle of marathon training.
Eleanor taking 2nd female.
Susan grabbing 4th in age grading with 73.59%.
Stephen Allison taking nearly 30 seconds off his PB (which he set only 2 weeks ago).
Anthony reaching his 50th Parkrun.
Tom Watson of Sudbury court reaching the unbelievable milestone of 500 Parkruns!

In all seriousness, it's never about the competition; it's all about the opportunity to run in the local parkrun we fell in love with running at, in our club colours, hopefully showing people that they can run with us too.
That said...
Queen's Park Harriers
2nd Sam Sutherland 00:18:10
6th Ruben Carvajal 00:19:14
7th Yusr Yasin 00:19:22
9th Nick Christie 00:19:45
10th Robert Duggleby 00:19:49
16th Angus Baird 00:21:22 PB
19th Gavin O'Sullivan 00:21:28
20th Stephen Allison 00:21:37 PB
21st Dustin Daniel 00:21:44
26th Thomas Buckmann 00:22:32
30th Gildas Braine 00:23:01
31st Peter Reupke 00:23:16
32nd James Welch 00:23:16
38th Jamie Baird 00:23:48
39th François Alba 00:23:52
50th Eleanor Buckmann 00:24:32
55th Tom Seddon 00:24:40
56th Stephen Pond 00:24:46
57th Adrian Boylan 00:24:53
71st Richard Byrne 00:25:41
78th Ana Cabaco 00:25:59
81st Catherine Walker 00:26:13
85th Robert Baillie 00:26:23
92nd Charlie Lawson 00:26:36
102nd Susan Kennedy 00:27:08
103rd Rosemary Chamberlain 00:27:11
109th Sophie Barnard 00:27:40
110th Anifat Bello 00:27:43
111th Chetan Khatry 00:27:46
117th Stefan Anton 00:27:53
122nd Philippe Greze 00:28:04
123rd Charles Tatham 00:28:05
155th Luc Dinh 00:29:37
156th Brian Smyth 00:29:38
157th Elisabeth Horridge 00:29:39
160th Kimberly Pond 00:29:46
197th John Walerych 00:32:22
203rd Sarah Dent 00:33:05
217th Jessie Braine 00:34:26
219th Joanna Braine 00:34:32
221st Emma Sutherland 00:34:50
255th Eleanor Southwood 00:58:01
256th Ziggy Brennan 00:58:01
Sudbury Court
41st Gavin Imrie 00:24:02
88th Peter Higgins 00:26:26
97th Michael Barnett 00:26:51
99th Martin Garrett 00:26:55
163rd David Brennan 00:29:54
205th Hsiang-Ju Lin 00:33:14
248th Tony Watson 00:52:12
249th Liz Abrahams 00:52:12
250th Lise Flanagan 00:52:13

Once the officials have gone over the maths and worked their magic formulas over the results, we'll be right back with the announcement of the winner... which I think we can all agree, will probably be "running".