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Meet the members: Martin Sigsworth

How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers?

I’ve been a Hoop since August 2017. Gildas hassled me into running one of the 10k Summer League fixtures, I absolutely loved it and the rest as they say is history.

What's the best thing about running?

For me it has to be the people you meet. I’ve met some wonderful people since taking up running, some I’ve met once during an event and others that I’ve become really good friends with since joining QPH and through parkrun.

What's your favourite running event?

parkrun and the Summer League hold a special part in my running heart, but my favourite event by some distance is the Green Belt Relay. I’d encourage any new members to give it a go the next time it rolls around. You will essentially spend two days in a minibus, getting out at one point each day to run a leg of the green belt surrounding London. It might not sound all that but it is up there as one of the best weekends I’ve had. I got to know so many people from the club, had a sprint finish face off with a Clapham Chaser at the end of a brutal 10 mile trail stage, and had the best pork pie of my life! All with a bunch of absolute heroes.

What else do you do?

I design and manage employability services for a charity supporting blind and partially sighted people. When I’m not working or running I enjoy going to gigs/festivals, playing my guitar, travelling, and taking the adopted QPH mascot, Jammy the greyhound, out for walks on Hampstead Heath. I probably should mention I’m partial to a craft beer or two, as well.

Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know.

I had a former life as a swimmer and represented Great Britain at the European championships for the blind in 2001 which were held in the Czech Republic, and came home with two bronze medals.

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