How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers?
Since Summer 2017 I think.
What's the best thing about running?
The good, honest, fun, eclectic mix of people and the sense of freedom it gives, and of course the extra eating it allows. I’ve been a member of various running clubs since I was an early teenager and always felt happiest when I’m running. I also have no coordination so it is the only sport I was any good at!
What's your favourite running event?
Boring answer but it has to be the London Marathon, but the Valencia Marathon is a pretty close second. London holds a place in my heart as in addition to being my hometown, it was my first ever marathon and the crowds and support completely blew me away. Valencia was special too. Lovely city, great flat course, well organised event and being able to dip in the sea after and stuff your face with tapas and fartons (look them up) the next morning.
What would you say is your greatest running achievement?
Probably the London Marathon. Both my partner and I were working together and training for our first marathons at the same time. He saw himself as a pretty good runner as he’d done a few half marathons. We were both aiming for around 3h30m for our first marathons, which was bold. I wasn’t a club member but I trained hard and read up everything I could about running marathons. He just hit 3h30 in the prestigious Bungay Black Dog Marathon the week before London so the pressure was on. I ran 3h12 the following week with a massive negative split, way beyond my expectations. He’s never got over it, but we still ended up married with two kids.
What else do you do?
Most of my life I’ve worked in quantitative research, analysis and insight which is always a great conversation stopper. I have a degree in Economics so I started out with a major bank (yes, it gets worse) but when the credit crunch hit I shifted into Food Research for more inspiration. After my second child, I quit and ended up working part-time as the Lead Community Coach for a small charity that helps vulnerable women find their feet through exercise. In my head, it helps offset some of those years spent in Financial Services. I get to work on some really rewarding and fun initiatives. A current project is working with Brent GPs on getting to socially prescribe their patients with attending Park Run. I’m always on the lookout for volunteers, so please get in touch if you would like to know more!
Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know
As part of some school awards ceremony, I got to meet Seb Coe.
Here’s a pic. I cannot believe I’m owning up to this as I CANNOT bear the man now.