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Meet the members: Amelia Carman

How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers?

Just over a year, I first came along at the end of January 2018.

What's the best thing about running?

The endorphin rush after a good run! It’s also very social, without being too competitive - it’s welcoming to every level and everyone runs the same races/training sessions (at very different paces...!).

What's your favourite running event?

This is a hard one...I’ve enjoyed everything over the last year but my favourite was probably the Royal Parks Half. It’s a fun route and the support is amazing because there are loads of charity runners.

What else do you do?

I work in construction at Heathrow Airport for Balfour Beatty. I’d like to manage projects at some point but right now I’m working with the Business Improvement team focusing on Digital Delivery.

Outside of work I love going to the theatre and seeing friends and family. I’d like to take climbing back up this year and get out on some more weekends away into the mountains or to the sea.

Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know.

A couple of years ago, I bought a van for £350, stuck a mattress in the back and drove across Europe to Greece with a friend (in 10 days!)

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