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Chiltern League XC 2019/2020: Oxford

Senior men

84th. Neil Hutchison (35:38)

88th. Sathiyan Sivathas (35:57)

100th. Martin Hanicinec (36:28)

114th. Andrew Jackson (37:15)

188th. Peter Reupke (42:17)

195th. Adrian Boylan (43:19)

201st. Tim Lewin (44:14)

216th. Charles Tatham (46:19)

229th. Bill O'Connor (58:47)

Senior women

19th. Michelle Maddick (24:04)

46th. Jessica Ainsley-Gill (26:22)

47th. Melanie McGovern (26:28)

60th. Joanna Braine (27:23)

106th. Jana Wolfova (32:06)

240th: Frances Sutherland (41:41)

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