Dear Masters / Veterans.
Action needed QUICKLY this week please.
These championships are for the distinguished members who have achieved the age of 40 by the 9th December, 2017.
As entries close THIS FRIDAY 24th November, I need to know by Thursday if you wish to race.
There are a number of inter county races that day for younger age groups and our races are dovetailed between those races.
VENUE: Horspath, Oxford OX4 2QT
(This is the same venue as the first Chiltern League and some courses will be different.)
RACE DATE: Saturday 9th December, 2017.
RACE TIMES: 11.00.a.m Men 50+, men 60+ - 10km
11.43.a.m. Women 40+, 50+, 60 + and Men 70+ 6 km
14.10.p.m. Men 40+ 10km.
ENTRY FEE: £8 each. If you want to run I will pay the fee and you can pay me back before or on the day.
AWARDS: Individual awards are in 5 year age groups , e.g. 40 to 44, 45 to 49, 50 to 54 , etc.
Team awards (3 to score) are in ten year age groups.
We are capable of winning medals.
I will be going and will have three seats if anybody wants a ride.