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Summer League #2, almost live report from Dulwich

What were the highlights... It only rained - lightly. There were 31 Harriers, many of whom had not competed at Harrow. The cake was excellent (again). A welcome return by Heather Clarke bringing a guest runner (welcome Matt - sorry couldn't resist that pun) Madeleine Fforde's absolutely final farewell run (are we sure about that?) Susan Kennedy leaving the conversation group for the hundredth slot. Nathan Barnard moving up to 5 miles with ease. Owen taking over Nathan's mantle in the tenderfoot race and Alex pushing him hard all the way. Ladies relay Team finished first (again) with Emily Godwin storming through the opposition to ensure continuing success. Tanesheh Abrahams scaring the opposition with his pace in the relays. I am sure that there are more things to mention but I was too busy refuelling on the cake. ​ Next race: Regents Park Sunday 24th July in Regents Park 9 am start and its a 10k

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